
A study: “Venus Descent”

“Venus Descent” is a collection of Field recordings, images, sculptures and poems exploring themes of the Venus archetype in relation to the descent/ascent orbit of the planet Venus. This content was created during the Venus descent planetary cycle and was informed by self-studies in astronomy, ancient mythology, conchology and meditation.

Sculpture & Collection

P.NINA is an ongoing sculpture project by Peyton Sandler, begun in 2020 and launched in 2021.

The shell sculptures and jewelry featured in the “Venus Descent” photo series are from the P.NINA collection.

Shell sculptures are created from recycled precious metals. These pieces are wearable, if you choose, and are for sale on the website.

The historical legend associated with the planetary cycle of Venus tells the story of the goddess’ passage through several gates, and with each gate the surrendering of ornamental jewelry and garments. The story of the Venus gates symbolizes the conjunctions of the planet Venus during the orbital cycle.


The original photographs shot for this study document the “shedding” of garments and jewelry left in the brush and sand leading up to the ocean’s edge, referencing the ancient explanation of the planet’s transition from morning star to evening star. Environmental shots give locational context of the planet’s transit time period. While these images are archived, they hold the original essence of P.NINA’s beginnings.

Journal & Sounds

Poems and Field recordings invoke the subtleties of the environmental elements captured in the moments in time during these notable transits.